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Skin & Nails


Ingrown toenails, athlete’s foot, plantar warts – these are just some of the many embarrassing conditions that can develop in the skin and nails of your feet. And if you are too shy to show your feet in public or if painful symptoms keep you from doing the things you love, then it is definitely time to come visit one of our Richmond, VA offices.

Since our skin and nails are subjected to quite a bit of abuse on a daily basis, there are many conditions that may cause harm to our feet. However, some of the most common conditions we treat at our offices are:

Ingrown Toenails

This issue develops either when toes are jammed together in the front of shoes that are too tight, or when the toenail is not trimmed properly and grows into the side of the toe. They can also happen on account of physical trauma or even an inherited nail structure, like naturally curved nails.

Foot Skin & Nail Conditions

Fungal Toenails

This condition develops when fungi become embedded underneath the tip of the nail. The nail may become discolored, brittle, and ragged, and often require treatment – the condition will not go away on its own, and may even spread to other toes.


Corns and Calluses

The skin on the feet can develop these hardened areas of skin to protect from damage, like ulcers, scratches, or blisters. Without treatment, calluses and corns could become painful or lead to burning sensations.

Plantar Warts

These are actually the result of a viral infection from the human papillomavirus (HPV). The viral growths are not dangerous but can cause physical discomfort and embarrassment. Not to mention that, over time, warts can easily spread and grow.

Athlete’s Foot

In spite of the name, this common infection is not one that only athletes develop – anyone who visits damp, humid environments, like locker rooms and pool decks, or wears footwear that traps moisture inside could be at risk. This type of infection may begin with signs of itching and burning sensations.


The list could easily become quite extensive. But the point is: Skin and nail problems are very common and potentially very frustrating.


The good news is that there are definitely measures you can take in order to prevent these from becoming a part of your life.


How Can You Prevent Foot Skin and Nail Conditions?

If you practice good foot care habits, you should be able to steer clear from most skin and nail conditions out there. Indeed, as it is true with most health problems, the first step to eradicating skin and nail issues is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

And there are some easy foot care habits you can “adopt” to ensure your feet and ankles are kept fresh and happy throughout every stage of your life:

  • Check your feet every day. Especially if you are living with diabetes. Look for changes in the texture and color of your feet and toenails.
  • Practice good foot hygiene. Wash your feet on a daily basis and make sure you dry them thoroughly after you are done, paying special attention to those areas between your toes.
  • Moisturize your feet. Do so after every wash, but keep in mind that you should avoid the areas between your toes.
  • Wear appropriate footwear. When you buy shoes, make sure that they have plenty of room for your toes to move freely and that they provide enough support and cushion.
  • Trim your toenails the right way. Make sure you clip your nails straight across, and never share tools with others.
  • Alternate between shoes. You should give your footwear time to dry out completely before you wear them again.
  • Avoid socks with tight elastic at the top or ridges. Instead, look for moisture-wicking cotton socks that are breathable and well-fitting.

And, of course, you should always seek medical care whenever you become aware of anything unusual – early intervention is best for optimal recovery.


So, though we hope you are able to steer clear from all foot and ankle troubles, we want you to know that you don’t have to live with embarrassing or painful problems in your lower extremities if they do arise. With our help, you will be able to keep them healthy and regain pride in your feet once more.

All you have to do is call us at (804) 173-1717 to schedule an appointment at one of our five locations – Ashland, Glen Allen, Mechanicsville, Richmond, West Point. You can also simply fill out our handy request form online and one of our trained staff members will contact you to confirm your appointment.


Our Hours

M - W - Th - F08:00 - 05:00
Tuesday09:00 - 06:00

Our Doctors Provide Treatments for all Skin & Nail Conditions


Our West End & Mechanicsville Locations are Open for Normal Hours


Our West End & Mechanicsville Locations are Open for Normal Hours


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