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Text Us! +1-804-294-4199

Text a Doctor

a free service for established patients


At Achilles Foot and Ankle, our goal is to have a collaborative relationship with our patients to get them better as fast as possible. For that reason, for our ESTABLISHED PATIENTS seen within the last 12 months, we offer a private text line called “Text the Doctor”. This line is open during office hours with direct access to our providers. If you have questions about your treatment plan, worsening pain, prescription requests, emergencies or activity recommendations, please shoot us a text! Our text number is 804-800-1740.

You are welcome to text the doctor on the weekend or on holidays. However, we ask that you please be patient in receiving a response outside normal business hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a new patient text the doctor?

Unfortunately, new patients must be seen by a provider before they can utilize our “Text a Doctor” service.

Will the doctor answer questions about billing?

The doctor is not a member of the billing team and therefore, cannot answer any billing questions. If a billing question is texted to the doctor, the patient will not receive a response.

Please direct all billing inquiries to our billing team by calling 804-273-1717 and selecting the billing option.

Is this an on call service for emergencies?

If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency, please go directly to the nearest emergency room. However, if the issue is not life threatening, the doctor will attempt to help you resolve your problem by text.

I do not have a mobile phone. Can the doctor call me?

The “Text the Doctor” service is only for sending communication via text. Any inquiries that request a telephone call will not receive a response.

If you need to speak with one of our nursing staff, please call our office during normal office ours for a representative to take your message.

All messages taken by our phone team will be sent directly to our nursing staff. Nursing staff answers calls in the order they are received and make every attempt to return phone calls by the end of the business day.

Can I send medical records request?

Your doctor does not handle medical records requests.  To request medical records, please use our online portal. You can access the online portal here: https://achillesfootandankle.com/medical-records-request/

Can my doctor complete my FMLA or Disability paperwork by text?

There are many steps that go into processing FMLA and Disability paperwork.

Therefore, your doctor cannot complete any FMLA or Disability paperwork via text.

However, you can submit your FMLA or Disability paperwork via our Medical Records Request portal. Our fee to complete your FMLA or Disability paperwork is $25 per request. The fee is utilized to cover all expenses including time to work with your disability carrier or employer.


Our West End & Mechanicsville Locations are Open for Normal Hours


Our West End & Mechanicsville Locations are Open for Normal Hours


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