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Dry Skin


When one considers the wide spectrum of foot and ankle disorders that can occur, dry skin may not appear to be a major concern. Excessive dryness, on the other hand, can cause pain and infection if left untreated. Whether you have a problem with it or not, you can benefit from some basic preventative measures to keep yourself safe.

Peeling skin, cracked heels, fissures, calluses, itching, and even rashes are some of the symptoms that people with severe dryness on their feet or heels may encounter. Cracks and heel fissures can cause discomfort or pain when standing or walking for long periods of time. The fact that they generate openings for microbes is perhaps more troubling than the discomfort.

It’s also crucial to remember that skin dryness might be a sign of a medical condition like diabetes, thyroid illness, or athlete’s foot.


Dry skin is more common on the feet than on other parts of the body. One of the main reasons for this is because the skin of your feet lacks the oil glands that are found elsewhere on the human body and are utilized to moisturize the skin. Instead, hundreds of thousands of sweat glands in your lower appendages do this role. Sweat isn’t as long-lasting or effective as oil, therefore this can be a concern.

Dry Skin


  • Low Humidity
  • Long Hot Baths
  • Harsh Soaps

Some people are more susceptible to getting abnormally dry feet and heels. Our skin’s ability to stretch decreases as we age. As a result, elderly persons are more likely than younger people to experience cracks or fissures.

Abnormal gait styles and excess weight put extra strain on the lower appendages, causing moisture to be displaced and calluses to form. Skin breakdown and dryness are more frequent in those who are deficient in specific vitamins and minerals. Diabetic patients are at a higher risk since their bodies’ ability to moisturize themselves is impaired.

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Diabetic Concerns and Related Conditions

When it comes to diabetics, skin dryness is a major issue. Dryness causes fissures and cracks, which increase the risk of infection, and a lack of moisture causes skin breakdown, which can lead to foot ulcers. A foot ulcer is a particularly serious condition that could lead to amputation.

Treatment and Prevention for Dry Skin

Many of the same techniques are used to prevent skin from drying out as they are to cure it. Using moisturizers generously, performing pumice stone debridement, and putting bandages or coverings to prevent bacterial growth are all examples of conservative foot care. In addition, custom orthotics can be utilized to shift aberrant pressure on the heel, which might otherwise cause problems.

Our podiatrist locations in Richmond, VA successfully treat a wide range of foot and ankle disorders, including skin and nail disorders, for our patients. Allow our specialists to assist you when it comes to caring for your dry skin. We can give the care you require and devise a strategy to help you prevent the discomfort and illness that cracked heel fissures can cause. Call (804) 273-1717 or use our online form to make an appointment with Richmond Foot and Ankle Centers.


Our Hours

M - W - Th - F08:00 - 05:00
Tuesday09:00 - 06:00

Our Doctors Provide Treatment for Dry Skin


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