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Be Thankful For Your Feet

Many of you are probably getting ready for a long weekend of family, food, and travel as Thanksgiving draws near. This is a great time of year to host a dinner party for loved ones and celebrate the season together. Dr. James Baldwin and his board-certified podiatrists at Achilles Foot and Ankle in Richmond, Virginia are discussing foot pain during this Thanksgiving season. 

Gearing Up For Traveling

As the holidays approach, you may find yourself doing lots  of walking, standing, and sitting. Take good care of your feet so that they can carry you through all of the holiday festivities. You don’t want to spend the holidays in bed with a foot injury, so here are some ways to keep moving freely.

  • Pack some comfortable and supportive shoes for your feet if you’ll be traveling this Christmas season.
  • Plan ahead and bring the right shoes for your outing if you know you’ll be doing things like lengthy walks or plenty of shopping. The appropriate footwear may make a world of a difference. If you’re going to be on your feet for more than two hours, you should invest in a pair of shoes with excellent arch support and shock absorption. Your shoes should have a good incline for your length and width of foot.
  • Legs may get tired on long plane rides, and it’s not just because of the cramped seating. Leg cramps, swollen ankles, and other symptoms of impaired blood circulation are common after a long journey. People with diabetes can benefit greatly from wearing compression stockings or socks because they improve circulation.


Cooking the traditional Thanksgiving feast might require a significant amount of time. Two or three days before the major event, some folks begin preparing the meal. With so many plates to wash and meals to prepare, you might believe there’s no time to sit down and rest your weary feet. However, we highly recommend that you take breaks, even if just for five minutes per hour. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try sitting down for activities that don’t need you to stand, or enlisting the aid of friends and family.

In order to alleviate the strain on your feet from standing for long periods of time in the kitchen, it is a good idea to invest in a pair of supportive but cozy slippers and a few shock-absorbing kitchen mats.

When standing might be difficult, sitting for lengthy periods of time while traveling or watching a movie can be just as bad. When the pilot turns off the fasten seat belt sign or at rest breaks, stand up and move around. Even after lengthy periods of sitting, your feet will be delighted thanks to the movement.

By regularly stretching, you can lessen the likelihood of muscular soreness and exhaustion. Raise, point, and curl your toes to alleviate discomfort. Tight calves are not only uncomfortable but can also cause discomfort in the ankle and heel if you don’t stretch them regularly. To further aid in joint relaxation, try rotating your ankles.

Food Consumption

We know it’s tough, but please try to control your eating when the Thanksgiving feast is served. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sweets has been linked to foot inflammation, which can result in discomfort and even swelling and agony.

Thanksgiving may rapidly become a challenging time for eating if you have gout. Toes, ankles, feet, and knees can experience excruciating agony from gout, an inflammatory arthritis caused by the crystallization of excess uric acid in the body’s joints. It’s important to watch how much meat you consume, especially red meat and turkey, because too much might trigger an attack. These are often made with shellfish or pork gravy. Uric acid levels in the blood rise when alcohol is consumed, so cut back or avoid it altogether this holiday season.

Knowing what kind of meals and drinks might set off your body’s reaction is the greatest approach to avoid a flare-up.

Read Carefully 

Plan for breaks if you know you’ll be on your feet for a long time. Stop what you’re doing and take a break. Over time, sitting or standing for long periods can cause swelling in the feet and ankles. When you lie or sit with your legs higher than your heart, the blood may flow more freely and the swelling can go down.

Getting a foot massage is not only relaxing, but also increases blood flow, helps relax muscles, and revitalizes tired skin. Do yourself a favor and give your feet a good rubdown after the day is done. To protect your skin from the harsh dryness of winter, use our Achilles Formulated Lotion. 

So that you may relax and enjoy the Christmas season with your loved ones, we will do all in our power to ensure that your feet continue to function properly and feel amazing. Of course you’re more than a sum of your diseases and symptoms; you’re you, and every instance is distinct. We commit to hearing you out carefully, processing what you say, and responding with a treatment strategy that is unique to you and your circumstances. In order to avoid discomfort over the holidays, contact us at Achilles Foot and Ankle

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