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Board Certified
Foot & Ankle Surgeons
Same Day Appointments
Available Weekdays
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Expanding Locations

We are thrilled to open two new locations in Central Virginia- Midlothian and Powhatan. The two recent locations- Midlothian & Powhatan to better serve the people’s needs in the area. We pride ourselves on quality care, and we always want the best for all of our patients. We have same-day appointments available and Saturday morning hours at our Powhatan location.

We are a unique business because we accept all major insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid. We specialize in foot pain, neuropathy, sports medicine, diabetic shoes, heel pain, and wound care. Surgery is always our last resort, but if needed, we have our own Ambulatory Surgery Center to serve your needs better. We also have 12 locations around Central Virginia to meet the demands for foot & ankle care.

The Midlothian location, located at Woodlake:
6512 Woodlake Village Circle
Midlothian, VA 23112

The Powhatan location:
2184 Plainview Center
Powhatan, VA 23139

We are excited to be a part of the Midlothian and Powhatan communities. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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