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New Year’s Day starts with a clean slate and a fresh start. If you are like most, January 1st brings a resolution or two for changes in the new year. The more common resolutions like exercise, losing weight, or kicking that lousy habit are great, but don’t forget about your feet! These things are essential for women as they are at a higher risk for foot and ankle problems. Things like wearing high heels or narrow shoes, muscle strength and laxity, hormones, pregnancy, and the width of the foot increase the likelihood of injuries such as ankle sprains, bunions, hammertoes, and neuromas.

Men and women can experience foot or ankle pain, and it’s essential to seek appropriate care promptly. Seeking care at a proper time allows your podiatrist to attempt conservative treatments as effective measures to reduce the pain and underlying medical condition. Here are a few resolution ideas to help you achieve your goals in 2023.

  1.  Slowly build into your workout

It is essential to keep your fitness routine manageable. Gradually building on your performance will avoid overuse injuries such as shin splints and plantar fasciitis

  1. Match your shoe with the activity

Choose the proper footwear for each occasion this year. Minimize the use of high heels (maybe leave them in the office) or at least scale down their height. Also, throw out old worn sneakers or athletic shoes that don’t offer proper support.

  1. Support your feet

Just as it’s essential to match your shoes with activity, it’s important to check your shoes to your feet. If you are a diabetic, we offer a large selection of diabetic shoes and orthotics. Custom shoes and orthotics are an excellent way to supplement any shoe to fit your foot perfectly. It’s crucial to see one of our podiatrists regularly to ensure you are not experiencing any issues.

  1. Get rid of ugly toenails

If you suffer from toenail fungus, winter is the perfect time to get your toenails ready for summer. We have several different treatment options to help you look great in open-toe shoes this coming summer.

  1.  Enjoy 2023- Pain-Free

It would help if you did not suffer from daily foot pain. The podiatrist are board-certified at Achilles Foot and Ankle Center and ready to treat your pain and put the spring back into your step. Make an appointment today if you suffer from bunions, hammertoes, foot drop, or neuropathy. Our providers are ready to help you. 

Wishing you a Happy New Year—may you have good health, experiences, and company. 2023 is your year. Cheers to a new year and new opportunities!

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Our Practice

Our podiatrists in Richmond, VA provide personalized patient care at Achilles Foot and Ankle Centers. When you visit our office you can expect to receive world class foot and ankle care. Expert physician specialists and caring clinical staff provide you with an exceptional experience.


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