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Summer Tips – Feet Are Shining Bright

Summer is finally here, now it’s time to hit the beaches, having dinner parties outside- but first let’s pull out those fashionable sandals out of the closet. With the days being longer, we can all indulge in our favorite summer activities. Your feet might be at the bottom of your body, but it’s where the pain starts. Making sure you take care of your feet is super important. Our team of board certified podiatrists are here to help you. In the past, many things have been closed due to COVID. Now, places are finally back open- we want to make sure you get the most of this summer’s fun.

Here Are Some Suggestions For Improving Your Feet’s Health Over The Summer

  • Wear Protective Shoe Support. Playing barefoot by the pool may sound fun but can come with dangerous consequences. This can be exceptionally true for diabetics.  People who ignore wearing protective shoes around the pool can experience cuts from sharp items like glass or metal, and infections like plantar warts, athlete’s foot, and ringworm are just some of the dangers that bare feet face. You can easily avoid these  injuries by always wearing shoes at the pool. These types of shoes include flip-flops- Semi-rigid arch is also acceptable.
  • Protect your Feet. The sun is very harsh during summer. It’s very important to wear a SPF greater than 50, making sure the sunscreen is waterproof. You may want to apply sunscreen to your feet throughout the day, depending on how fair your skin is to the sunlight. After a day in the sun, it’s important to apply our Advanced Healing Cream, making your skin moisturized and rejuvenated- ready for the next day of fun in the sun.
  • Stop Lugging Fungi Around. It’s important to always make sure your protective footwear is dry. You never want to put on damp sneakers or flip flops- this can cause bacteria and fungi to spread and often cause fungal toenails.
  • Keep the Fluids Flowing. The summer heat can easily make us feel fatigue and can often lead to heat strokes without realizing. You must drink plenty of water during the day- this will help you stay hydrated and provide constant energy to enjoy the summer activities.

Please have a great time with any activities you plan to indulge this summer.

5 Tips For Fabulous Summer Feet 

Now since we have got all the suggestions out of the way, make sure you relax your feet while keeping them healthy. Here are some suggestions to keep your feet fabulous this summer.

  1. We love when our feet look great and clean. After showering, make sure you thoroughly dry your feet. This will help prevent bacteria from arising unknowingly. When your feet are clean, you have a better self-esteem about yourself and makes you want to show them off.  
  2. Please keep your eyes peeled to your toenails. While wearing sandals during the summer, bacteria can spread quickly and easily. You want to make sure you don’t experience athlete’s foot, the peeling of your feet’s skin.It’s also important to make sure your nails are not yellowing too. If you do start seeing this sign, you may be starting to experience nail fungus. Don’t worry at all, our board certified podiatrist can help eliminate your nail fungus.
  3. Many people do not realize how important it is to correctly cut their toenails. While cutting your nails, make sure you cut them in a straight line, with no soft corners. Ingrown toenails are often caused by cutting your toenail edges rounded.
  4. Moisturize your skin every day. If your feet start to feel like alligator’s skin, use moisturizing lotion. This can certainly help prevent calluses. Our Advanced Healing Cream works wonders on repairing dry skin.
  5. Foot massages are wonderful- they feel great, boost blood flow, and improve the appearance of your feet. You can certainly get a professional foot massage, the option is yours. If you are budgeting money, you can sit down in a seat and start by rolling your feet over a tennis or massage ball. It’s very simple and makes your feet feel great after.

Why Should Choose Achilles Foot and Ankle For Your Foot and Ankle Care?

If you or someone in your family is having foot difficulties, we can assist. Our foot and ankle surgeons provide the most modern foot and ankle care with the best success rates in Richmond, Virginia. We are experts in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of all foot and ankle treatments.

You can make an appointment online now or call (804)273-1717. We offer same day appointments and accept all major insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicare.

Achilles Foot and Ankle has locations conveniently located throughout Richmond, Virginia. Ashland, Chester, Colonial Heights, Glen Allen, Gaskins, Kilmarnock, and West Point, to name a few. 

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Our podiatrists in Richmond, VA provide personalized patient care at Achilles Foot and Ankle Centers. When you visit our office you can expect to receive world class foot and ankle care. Expert physician specialists and caring clinical staff provide you with an exceptional experience.


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