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At the most basic level, we can think of a myth as a story that explains how the world came to be the way it is. That’s pretty broad, since people from different cultures have their own ways of understanding who they are and where they came from. In this blog, we are going to talk about diabetes myths in podiatry.

 First, let’s do some math: currently, there are 334,884,221 people in the United States. About 34,200,000 of them have diabetes.

34,200,000÷334,884,221 = 10%

10% of Americans have diabetes. That’s HUGE – you’d think that we’d all be pretty conversant about something that affects one person in every 10. Sadly, we’re not. Diabetes continues to be misunderstood. November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  We at Achilles Foot & Ankle Center in Richmond, VA are taking this moment to quash some typical myths about this disease that affects so many of our patients.

Myth #1: It’s just a problem with your hormones.

Yes, diabetes is a hormone problem, but it goes much deeper than that. Type 2 diabetes – the most common kind – occurs when the body can’t process the hormone insulin properly or isn’t making enough. Insulin is responsible for helping energy, which we get from eating food, enter the body’s cells. The energy, in this case, means sugar, also called blood glucose. Without the help of insulin, glucose levels in your blood rise to dangerous levels. Over time, uncontrolled high blood glucose damages your heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, and feet.

Myth #2: You can’t get diabetes unless you’re overweight.

While being overweight or obese is a significant risk factor, it’s not the only one. Other causes include a family history of diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, over age 45, and ethnicity. Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic/Latin Americans, and some Pacific Islanders/Asian Americans are at a higher risk.

Myth #3: People with diabetes can only eat certain foods.

A variation on this myth is “diabetics can’t eat sugar.” People with diabetes can eat all foods. However, food plays an enormous role in raising or lowering blood sugar levels. It’s critical for diabetics to make a plan with their doctors for healthy eating.

Myth #4: People with diabetes have to take it easy.

The opposite is true: physical activity helps control blood sugar levels. Again, people with diabetes should work with their doctors to create an exercise program that will minimize the complications of diabetes. Walking, swimming, biking, and yoga are all great choices.It’s no myth diabetes can do some heavy damage to your feet. But people with diabetes in Richmond, Glen Allen, Ashland, West Point, Mechanicsville, and surrounding areas have 5 podiatrists with experience & knowledge of dibetic foot care. If you have diabetes, make regular appointments with Dr. James Baldwin, Dr. Sunny Patel, Dr. Aaron Bradley, Dr. Carl Belock, Dr. Ryan Vazales, and Dr. George Lane to keep foot complications at minimal. Call us at (804) 273-1717 or make an appointment online at www.achillesfootandankle.com. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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Our podiatrists in Richmond, VA provide personalized patient care at Achilles Foot and Ankle Centers. When you visit our office you can expect to receive world class foot and ankle care. Expert physician specialists and caring clinical staff provide you with an exceptional experience.


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